Friday, August 30, 2013

My Thoughts on Communication Technologies

I have been using communication technologies such as Facebook, Yahoo mail and Youtube ever since I felt it was a social necessity developed early through my primary school environment. Such sites and content became a topic for conversation, a way of interacting outside school and the norm that the vast majority was conforming to at the time. Thus if you weren't making use of such technologies you may be considered out of touch or excluded by peers. Now I rely heavily on such technologies daily to communicate with friends when organising a social event or lecturers when submitting material an so on. In ambiguous terms I rely communication technologies to successfully interact with the world around me. 


While I was young privacy was always a huge issue, due to my parents innate concern. However now it is something I put little thought into, I keep my accounts private and that for me seems to work well. I am yet to have an issue with privacy.

However in reality I think this oblivious approach to privacy can definitely be dangerous.  Knowing who is accessing your personal information is a necessity and is something I am growing more concerned about. For example, the extent to which companies such as Facebook and google who collect information about their users is something I ignored while being bombarded with customized advertisements based on everything I looked at on the web. While some adds or information may be useful its also scary to think just how much these companies know about me.

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About Me

I'm Kyle, a student at Griffith University studying a Bachelor of Communications and creating this blog as part of the 1501HUM New Communication Technologies class I am currently undertaking. Get excited as we take a look at how various communication technologies are intricately woven, and play a significant role in our world today!